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RARS General Membership
Meeting Presentations

The following is a list of programs and presentations at the RARS general membership meetings over the years. Links are provided to presentation materials that the presenters have given us permission to post. You may also find some presentation materials in past issues of the EXciter, which may or may not be linked below. Please note that not every meeting included a presentation—some had an event, like awards, elections, or show & tell—and not every presentation had slides. Please also note that updating this page with prior years' presentations is an ongoing effort.
  • 2022
    • Parks on the Air Explanation, presented by Ben Davis KN4RFT, December 13, 2022 (PDF)
    • RARS Officers Elections and Show and Tell by RARS Members, November 15, 2022
    • Esperanto and Amateur Radio, presented by Murray Merner K4MHM, October 11, 2022
    • Things Hams Were Taught That Are Not True, presented by Chuck Till K4RGN, September 13, 2022
    • Small Resonant HF Loop Antennas, presented by Richard Quick W4RQ, August 9, 2022 (PDF)
    • Mid-Air Refueling Mission & Communication Methods Used, presented by Joe Owen K4HEW, July 12, 2022 (EXciter)
    • Field Day, presented by Curt Phillips W4CP June 14, 2022
    • AUXCOMM, presented by Virginia Enzor NC4VA, May 10, 2022
    • Digital Mobile Radio (DMR), presented by Josh Landewee KF0JIL, Bridgecom Sales Representative, April 12, 2022
    • Awards, RARS Birthday Party, and RARSfest Update, March 8, 2022
    • The SDR Transceiver Comes of Age – A Comparison: IC-7300 vs FTDX101D, plus Free Remote Station Operation, presented by Gary Schwartz K3OS of Hickory, NC, February 8, 2022
    • 3D Printing, presented by Paul Holzworth KD4BFN, January 11, 2022 (PDF)
  • 2021
    • Meteor Scatter, presented by Zach Thompson KM4BLG, December 14, 2021
    • Show and Tell by RARS Members, November 9, 2021
    • NCPACKET, presented by Tadd Torborg KA2DEW, October 12, 2021
    • Wind Turbines, Solar Power & Traditional Ways of Generating Electricity, presented by Brian Henderson VE6ZS, September 14, 2021
    • New RF Safety Rules, presented by Chuck Till K4RGN, August 10, 2021 (PPTX)
    • Intro to HF Propagation, presented by Carl Luetzelschwab K9LA, July 13, 2021 (PDF)
    • Field Day, presented by Curt Phillips W4CP, June 8, 2021
    • N1MM Field Day Logging Program (Contest Logging Program), presented by Tom Lewis N4TL, May 11, 2021
    • ARRL Update, presented by Marvin Hoffman WA4NC, ARRL NC Section Manager, April 13, 2021
    • Bletchley Park, UK—History of the WWII Allied Code Breaking Centre, presented by Ray Burlingame-Goff G4FON (SK), March 9, 2021
    • Homebrew Building a Transistor Single-Conversion Superheterodyne Receiver, presented by Alan Victor W4AMV, February 9, 2021
    • Currently Available Handheld Transceivers, presented by Steve Molo KI4KWR, January 12, 2021
  • 2020
    • Heil Sound, presented by Bob Heil K9EID, December 8, 2020
    • The IEEE MOVE Truck, presented by Jay Diepenbrock KM4EP, November 10, 2020
    • RARS Officers Nominations and Show and Tell via Zoom, presented by Election Committee & Club Members, October 13, 2020
    • Antenna Tuners, presented by Doug Hall K4DSP (SK), September 8, 2020 (Google Docs)
    • An Introduction to the NanoVNA, presented by Dan Marks KW4TI, August 11, 2020
    • Patrolling The Ether: The FCC's Radio Intelligence Division (RID) in WWII, presented by Brian Harrison KN4R, July 14, 2020
    • Field Day, presented by Bob Starkenburg W4TTX, June 9, 2020
    • Radio and the Disappearance of Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan, presented by Brian Harrison KN4R, May 12, 2020
    • A Tribute to the Golden Age of Radio: A RARS Variety Show, presented by Virginia Enzor NC4VA, April 14, 2020 (EXciter)
    • RARSfest Update, presented by Tara Goodwin W4TSW, March 10, 2020
    • Blue Ridge Microwave Society, presented by Dr. Dennis Sweeney WA4LPR, and Stan Dillon K4RCA, February 11, 2020 (PDF)
    • DXpeditions in the Western and Eastern Caribbean with the Medical Amateur Radio Council, May & Oct 2019, presented by Bob Conder K4RLC, January 14, 2020
  • 2019
    • The World Of High Power Medium Wave and Shortwave Broadcasting, presented by Lauren Libby W0LD, January 8, 2019
    • Using A Drone to Capture Video Images For UNC TV, presented by Bob Gunter, PBS VideoGrapher, February 12, 2019
    • Awards, RARS Birthday Party & RARSfest Update, presented by RARSfest Chair Tara Goodwin W4TSW, March 12, 2019
    • Restoration Of A Collins KWM-1 Transceiver, presented by John Green KX4P, April 9, 2019
    • Amateur Radio Direction Finding, with a Demonstration on 2 And 80 Meters, presented by Ruth Bromer WB4QZG & Joseph Huberman K5JGH, May 14, 2019
    • Field Day, presented by Bob Starkenburg W4TTX, June 11, 2019
    • Portable Solar Power, presented by Ron Morin KD4LOE, July 9, 2019
    • What Makes FT8 Work?, presented by Chuck Till K4RGN, August 13, 2019
    • Open Source Design Tools For Amateur Radio, Including KiCad, presented by Dan Marks KW4TI, September 10, 2019
    • RARS Officers Nominations, RARS Auction, presented by the Election Committee & Carl Davis W8WZ, October 8, 2019
    • RARS Officers Election And Show And Tell, presented by the Election Committee & The Membership, November 12, 2019
    • RARS Pot Luck Holiday Party & Officers Induction, presented by the Election Committee, December 10, 2019
  • 2018
    • RFI Tracking And Location, presented by Dave Wood W4EJ, January 9, 2018
    • Emergency Communications And Amateur Radio, presented by Karl Bowman W4CHX, February 13, 2018
    • Awards, RARS Birthday Party & RARSfest Update, presented by RARSfest Chair, Tara Goodwin W4TSW, March 13, 2018
    • Digital Mode Demo, Including FT8, presented by Louis Alexander K4BYN & Tom Lewis N4TL, April 10, 2018
    • Communications Nostalgia, presented by Tom McKee K4ZAD, May 8, 2018
    • Field Day, presented by Bob Starkenburg W4TTX, June 12, 2018
    • Civil Air Patrol, presented by Don Williams AB4IO, July 10, 2018
    • Linear Amplifiers, presented by Bob Naumann W5OV, August 14,2018
    • Satellite Communications, presented by Tucker McGuire W4FS, September 11, 2018
    • RARS Officers Nominations & RARS Auction, presented by the Election Committee & Carl Davis W8WZ, October 9, 2018
    • RARS Officers Election & Show And Tell, presented by the Election Committee & The Membership, November 13, 2018
    • RARS Pot Luck Holiday Party & RARS Officers Induction, presented by the Election Committee, December 11, 2018
  • 2017
    • Writing For QST & Arduino CW Trainer, presented by Tom Lewis N4TL, January 10, 2017
    • Navassa Island Dxpedition 2015, presented by DVD, February 14, 2017
    • Awards, RARS Birthday Party & RARSfest Update, presented by RARSfest Chair Ian Hewitt N0IAN, March 14, 2017
    • DXpedition To St. Paul Island August 19 - 29, 2016, presented by Will Roberts AA4NC and Murray Adams WA4DAN, April 11, 2017
    • Skywarn Training, presented by Virginia Enzor NC4VA, May 9, 2017
    • Field Day, presented by Field Day Chair Marty W4MY, June 13, 2017
    • Recent Advances In Radio Frequency Imaging Research For Aviation Security, presented by Daniel Marks KW4TI, July 11, 2017
    • Show And Tell, presented by The Membership, August 8, 2017
    • Bring'Em Back From The Dead—Old Radio Restoration, presented by Charles A. Davis Sr. WA3UTC, September 12, 2017
    • RARS Officers Nominations & RARS Auction, presented by the Election Committee & Charles A. Davis Sr.WA3UTC, October 10, 2017
    • RARS Officers Election And & Digital Mode WSPR, presented by the Election Committee & Tom McKee K4ZAD, November 14, 2017
    • Build A Multi-Band Off-Center Fed Attic Dipole, by Dan Marks KW4TI, Novemer 7, 2017 (PDF)
    • RARS Pot Luck Holiday Party, presented by the Election Committee, December 12, 2017
  • 2016
    • Putting Up a Tower and Antennas in 1980 (Some RARS History) & A Survey On Meeting Topics, presented by Frank C. Weiss KY4W, January 12, 2016
    • RARS Repeater Update & Selected Comments on the ARRL NC Section, presented by Karl Bowman W4CHX, and a presentation by Paula Lipford and Tim Vonstetten of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, February 9, 2016
    • Awards, RARS Birthday Party & RARSfest Update, presented by Ian Hewitt N0IAN, March 8, 2016
    • Operating in the Bahamas (C6A) for the ARRL DX SSB Contest 2015, presented by Rob Katz K4OV, April 12, 2016
    • Basic Antennas, presented by Bert Michaud N4CW, May 10, 2016
    • Field Day, presented by Dennis Keith NC4DK, June 14, 2016
    • Global Weather Models, presented by TC Moore , July 12, 2016
    • Antenna Modeling, presented by Fred Benson NC4FB, August 9, 2016
    • Modern Methods To Learn The Morse Code, presented by Dan Atchison N3ND, September 13, 2016
    • RARS Officers Nominations & RARS Auction, presented by the Election Committee & Rick Kelly-Crapse KB4TKQ, October 11, 2016
    • RARS Officers Election & Show And Tell, presented by the Election Committee & The Membership, November 8, 2016
    • RARS Pot Luck Holiday Party & RARS Officers Induction, presented by the Election Committee, December 13, 2016
  • 2015
    • The January 13, 2015 meeting was cancelled due to weather and the presentation was moved to September 2015
    • How Antennas Radiate, presented by Daniel (Dan) Stancil WY3O, head of NCSU Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, February 10, 2015
    • Awards, RARS Birthday Party & RARSfest Update, March 10, 2015
    • The Elecraft Kx3 Transceiver, presented by Bert Michaud N4CW, April 14, 2015
    • What Is Electromagnetic Compatibility and Why it is Important For Radio Operators, presented by Jay Diepenbrockc KM4EP, with input from Dr. Bruce Archambeault, May 12, 2015
    • Field Day, presented by Dennis Keith NC4DK, June 9, 2015
    • Raspberry Pi, presented by Tadd Torborg KA2DEW, July 14, 2015
    • The MS Bike Ride, presented by Paula Lipford, and Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), presented by Mike Jackson from the Eaton Corporation, August 11, 2015
    • World Radiosport Team Championship, July 8-14, 2014, presented by Nate Moreschi N4YDU, President of the North Carolina Chapter of the Potomac Valley Radio Club, September 8, 2015
    • RARS Officers Nominations & RARS Auction, presented by the Election Committee & Rick Kelly-Crapse, KB4TKQ, October 13, 2015
    • RARS Officers Election & Show And Tell, presented by the Election Committee & The Membership, November 10, 2015
    • RARS Pot Luck Holiday Party & RARS Officers Induction, presented by the Election Committee, December 8, 2015
  • 2014
    • Ham Radio Logging, Then And Now, presented by Tom Lewis N4TL, January 14, 2014
    • Analyzing The Spectrum Analyzer - Some Practical Ham Applications, presented by Doug Hall K4DSP, February 11, 2014
    • Awards, Birthday Party & RARSfest Update, presented by John Snellen AI4RT, March 11, 2014
    • Remotely Operating A HF Radio Station, presented by Jim Jordan K4QPL, April 8, 2014
    • VU7AG Lakshadweep Island 2013 Dxpedition, presented by Krish Kanakasapapathi W4VKU, May 13, 2014
    • Field Day, June 10, 2014
    • Wireless Research Center & Antenna Design, presented by Gerald Hayes KE4QBT, July 8, 2014
    • Email Without The Internet - Winlink 2000, presented by Frank Pleshe N3FRP, August 12, 2014
    • US Naval Radio Communications - The 1950's Internet, presented by Nick England K4NYW, September 9, 2014
    • RARS Officer Nominations & RARS Auction, presented by Rick Kelly-Crapse, KB4TKQ, October 14, 2014
    • Frequency Standards and Accurate Frequency Measurement, presented by Doug Hall K4DSP, and RARS Officer Elections, November 11, 2014
    • RARS Pot Luck Holiday Party & Collection for the Marines’ Toys For Tots Charity & RARS Officers Induction, December 9, 2014
  • 2013
    • Christmas Party and Installation of Incoming Officers, December 3, 2013
    • VE Test Session, Board Elections, and a presentation on FlexRadio by Tim Ellison W4TME, November 5, 2013
    • RARS Auction, presented by Rick Kelly-Crapse KB4TKQ, October 1, 2013
    • ARDF – Amateur Radio Direction Finding, presented by Joseph Huberman K5JGH, Tuesday, September 3, 2013
    • Emergency Communications, presented by Frank Pleshe N3FRP, Wake County AUXCOMM Coordinator Date, Tuesday, August 6, 2013
    • SKYWARN Spotter Training, presented by Virginia Enzor NC4VA, and Nick Petro WX3H, Warning Coordination Meteorologist, July 2, 2013
    • Field Day 2013, presented by Bob Starkenburg W4TTX, June 4, 2013
    • The AAIM417C Antenna Analyzer, presented by Lou Alexandar K4BYN, Hank Montgomery K4HM, and Virginia Enzor NC4VA, May 7, 2013
    • Some Legal Aspects of Ham Public Service, presented by John Snellen, Jr. AI4RT, Dan Sears KD4AGQ, Bill Cole KG4CXY, and Tom Hansen, Esq., and the presentation of RARS Awards (EXciter), April 2, 2013
    • RARSfest Update, presented by John Snellen, Jr. AI4RT and RARS Awards & Birthday Party, March 6, 2013
    • 2012 Sable Island CY0 DXpedition, presented by Ron Oates AA4VK & Murray Adams WA4DAN, February 5, 2013
    • The Collins 51S-1 HF Communication Receiver, presented by Karl Bowman W4CHX, January 14, 2013
Dick Bitner Benevolent Fund
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