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March 2025
is online
The Raleigh Amateur Radio Society asks that any person who thinks that they might have any
contagious disease refrain from attending any in-person RARS events until they are no longer contagious.
Members and non-members are welcome!
Ridge Road Baptist Church 2011 Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27607
6:00 PM: New Ham & Elmer Meeting
7:00 PM: General Social Period
7:30 PM: Business Meeting and Program
Click here to join
the Zoom call anytime after 7:00 PM on the evening of the meeting.
Please add your call sign and location to your name in Zoom.
Zoom participants will be able to talk amongst themselves until 7:30 PM.
At 7:30, Zoom participants will be muted for the meeting but the Zoom chat feature will be monitored in the meeting room so they can make comments and ask questions.
We need VOLUNTEERS to help with set-up and tear-down for the in-person meeting.
for more information and to sign up!
Current News and Events
Updated March 07, 2025 07:36:41
Next RARS Portable Operating Event
March 23, 2025 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Please join the RARS Portable Operating Group
Umstead State Park, Crabtree Shelter #2, at the
US-70/Glenwood entrance (8801 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh),
Sunday, March 23, 2025 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
Jeremy Lindsley
the RARS Public Service Director and co-administrator of
Ham Public Service NC (HPSNC), will lead us through a mock public service event.
As always, no license or club affiliation is required, only a passing interest in radio, communications, or electrons.
Kids and family are welcome to join.
If you are interested in learning about how public service fits with amateur radio, which shares some similarities with emergency communications, come join us. Jeremy will explain how public service events work, how to prepare with the correct equipment, and standard operating practices during a public service event. Jeremy will also bring his communications trailer and demonstrate his portable VHF station as he leads us as the net control station in a directed net. Charge your HT batteries and bring your walking shoes!
Umstead State Park is also a
Parks on the Air
site. The club has reserved the shelter for the day, so feel free to bring an HF station station and activate the park while you're there.
The 51st Annual RARSfest
Saturday, April 5, 2025
The Jim Graham Building, NC State Fairgrounds
General admission
to the largest all-indoor hamfest on the East Coast and flea market
are available for purchase online during the “Early Bird” period from January 30 through March 29, 2025.
Prices will be higher at the door.
Great prizes and a special drawing for people who buy tickets during the “Early Bird” period.
Complimentary admission and a special prize for volunteers who
sign up here!
Part show-and-tell, part maker fair, part operating event, the in-person RARS Gathering on the fourth Tuesday of each month is the place to be if you want to find out about the local ham community, meet other ham radio operators, see hands on demos of old and new ham radio equipment, get on the air, and exchange ideas in a fun forum.
Members and non-members are welcome....
The meeting starts at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall, but we start setting up at 6:00 pm, and
you are welcome to bring your own ham radio equipment and projects to demonstrate, show off, or
just work on with other like-minded hams -- we have plenty of tables.
You might also find sources of coax, connectors, zip cord, Powerpoles®, and whatnot.
For more information about The Gathering, please contact Tadd TorborgKA2DEW.
The RARS Volunteer Examiner Team conducts license exams at The Gatherings in even-numbered months, except when The Gathering is canceled, e.g., due to the weather or a conflict with a holiday.
You do not need to be a RARS member to test with us.
Exams start promptly at 6:00 PM so applicants can attend The Gathering, afterwards.
Pre-registration is strongly encouraged and may be done on
this page.
Make sure you are selecting the 6:00 PM–7:30 PM session on
the date of The Gathering.
Please see our License Classes and Exams page
for important information, including the exam requirements.
For more information about RARS license exams, please
Richard HallKR4LH, the RARS VE Chair.
Next RARS Dinner
March 18, 2025,
6:30 pm
IHOP, 7471 Six Forks Road, Raleigh
All members and guests are welcome to attend the monthly RARS Dinner,
now on the on the THIRD Tuesday of each month.
Informal and Dutch, just bring your appetite and best rag to chew.
IHOP is on the corner of Sawmill and Six Forks Roads.
After entering the restaurant, look for our folks in the dining room.
For more information about the RARS Dinner, please contact Chuck Littlewood K4HF.
Thanks to three years of Field Day logs, the 2024 NC QSO Party, and a final push by Tom N4TL, the Raleigh Amateur Radio Society has earned the ARRL “Worked All States” award in the “Mixed” category!
A new page describing the New Ham & Elmer Meeting has been added and linked from the General Membership Meeting announcement.
RARS-L has been decommissioned due to excessive and unresolved email bouncing.
The link to join RARS-L has been removed from the For Members Only page.
Please use the RARS Discord server for online conversations related to amateur radio, instead.
Links where we tell you to contact someone now open a RARS Communication Form addressed to that person, rather than directing you to the Club Contacts page.
Call signs in the membership roster and elsewhere on the website (including the Classifieds as of February 5, 2025) link to the member's profile.
The Zoom link for the General Membership Meeting has been added to the meeting announcement at the top of this page.
For those interested in RARS's history,
is a list of RARS officers and EXciter editors going back to RARS's founding in 1969,
here is a list of RARS founding, charter, life, and honorary members,
both of which are also linked from the
About RARS page.
The link to sign up for the RARS-L email reflector has been moved from the
page to the
For Members Only
Meeting presentations have moved to here and are linked
from the RARS General Membership Meeting announcement at the top of this page
FCC Topics of Interest has moved to the News & Exciter page.
Why You Should Be A RARS Member Today! has moved here
and is linked from the Join/Renew Membership page.
Looking for RARS Club polo shirts or brochures to promote the Club?
Go to the bottom of the For Members Only page.
The menu on the left side of each page has been reorganized into logical chunks with lines separating the chunks.
The Home button is suppressed if you are on the home page.