Amateur Radio Communications
for the
On the Road-2

And They're Off
Jim KG4FIJ was a Sector Captain's Shadow.  Here, he keeps Bob company for a few minutes at Mile 20, when all the other volunteers disappeared!
KB4EHJ and BikeN4UBH and bike
Getting around the Marathon can be difficult by car.  All those people running keep getting in the way.  Mark KB4EHJ and Dave N4UBH rode through the crowd with ease.  Both are from the Durham/Orange County side of the Triangle, but come East whenever there's something going one over here.  Hams help each other with events all over the Triangle.  Visit the Public Service pages to learn more.
Some runners opt for a half-Marathon.  They got bussed back from this stop on Western Blvd.  The red carpet contains a sensor that picks up a "chip" - custom encoded for each runner, tracking their individual time.  The chip is placed in the runner's shoe.

Jerry KD4YJV and Vince KF4ZMV are trying to keep warm here.

This picture became the January Exciter cover.  It shows Wayne KD4SLQ congratulating a friend at the finish line.  The fastest runner completed the course in about 2½ hours.  The slowest, more than 7 (the clock over Wayne's shoulder is reading 5:48:18).  Just finishing a Marathon is incredible.

Also at the finish line - Bob KF4MMM chases after his Sector Captain.  Most of these pictures were taken late in the race, and the runners are just trickling by.  The pack thinned out by the second lap.

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