Monday, April 2, 2001

We need RARS members to bring their stuff and show the new hams.
To volunteer, contact Gary KN4AQ

Here's the plan:  Folks setting up inside plan to be ready by 7:30.  
We'll introduce everyone briefly, and have the students 
wander around and look at whatever they're interested in.

Folks setting up mobiles should arrive by 7:30 and come inside for 
an introduction.  Then they can go outside
and set up (weather permitting).  At about 8:30, we'll announce that
the parking lot is open and send everyone outside to see the mobiles.

Equipment Volunteer
Icom VHF/UHF Gary KN4AQ - W32, T81, and some older HT's
Greg KG4AWB - W32
Kenwood VHF/UHF Greg KG4AWG - TM-261 2m Mobile
James KE4DRN - TM742ad dual-band mobile, TH 78a dual-band HT, TS-520 HF
Yaesu VHF/UHF Bob KG4IZA - VX5R w/pizza-pan mag mount & gellcell
Greg KG4AWG - FT-480R multimode
Alinco VHF/UHF  
Other Brand VHF/UHF Greg KG4AWG - Radio Shack HTX-202, HTX 400
HF Demo Neal N4HAF, Mike WA4BPJ
VHF/UHF Mobile Greg KG4AWG - Alinco DR-605 2m/440 Mobile
HF (w/VHF-UHF) Mobile Gary KN4AQ - Icom 706/Outbacker, Standard 5900 6/2/440, Icom 220
Max KO4TV - Alinco DX70/Screwdriver.  Chalkline diplole. 
Caity KU4QD - Yaesu 817 HF/VHF/UHF Portable
Antennas Greg KG4AWG - Copper J-Pole
Max KO4TV - Chalkline diplole
James KE4DRN - Cushcraft mag-mount, homebrew 2-meter half-square
Digital Mode Demo Greg KG4AWG - APRS
Accessories Greg KG4AWG - microphone, Astron 20A power supply
James KE4DRN - switching power supply, converted for ham use, 
    MFJ 862 SWR/Wattmeter, 38 AH battery
ATV Demo   
RARS Net Demo - QSL Cards Dick KD4ISC
Misc Stuff Greg KG4AWG - Scanners, CB and FRS radios
Boatanchors Dale W4AUV - Heath Apache cw/AM transmitter, Allied receiver
Gary KN4AQ - Motorola HT220 Handheld